Thursday, April 12, 2007

How to write an emergency book report in 3 hours.

Your mission: write a 3 page book report on The Poisonwood Bible in three hours. You're nervous- you haven't read a single page. But worry not, there is a way. The first thing you need to do is assess what your teacher is looking for. Generally, a teacher will look for the following things:
  • Evidence that you read the book.
  • References to events and plot elements in the book.
  • Opinions formed through actually reading the book.

So the problem is, how to accomplish these objectives without actually reading the book. Note, the following may not be ethically correct, but everyone hits the wall every once in a while. This is how to escape!
  1. Read the first chapter. This will give you a feel for the book, and the characters.
  2. Find the author on wikipedia. Get a feeling for the authors backstory and history, as this will determine what the authors twist on the plot will likely be.
  3. Go to (I know you've used these, so put a cork in it...) and read the plot overview. DO NOT ACTUALLY USE THIS INFORMATION IN YOUR REPORT! This is just so that you know what happened in the book.
  4. Read and memorize the character list. Find out if any major changes occurred in a character during the course of the book.
  5. Read the analysis of the chapters- this will help you a lot. NOTE: Teachers read these too, so make sure you don't even let them catch the scent of sparknotes on your paper.
  6. Now, go to wikipedia again and look up to book. Read the plot and character lists for a solid understanding of both.
  7. Finally, to get a really good impression of the book, look up any questions asked on Yahoo Answers about the book. It is likely that your teacher will ask similar questions.

Now, from this information you must draw your own conclusions. Your instructor will likely ask a question about what you think about a certain situation or character, and be sure that you have one, or you're toast.

Good Luck

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Blogging is the new poetry. I find it wonderful and amazing in many ways.